Rollator Repair Program

What is a Rollator?

Rollators are four-wheeled walkers used by many people with mobility issues. They allow folks to ambulate in the community more safely.  They are often used by older adults, but can be beneficial mobility aids for folks of any age.

If deemed medically necessary, the cost of a rollator is often covered by insurance/Medicare once every five years. However, with the wear and tear of regular use in the community, it is common for the equipment to break down before it is time for a replacement.  This can lead folks to use broken and unsafe equipment.  While some medical equipment vendors in the area will do rollator repairs, the repair costs can be pricey and vendors often advise that it would be more cost-effective to simply purchase a new rollator.  Unfortunately for many folks in Richmond, paying for expensive repairs or purchasing new equipment is not within their means.

The Rollator Repair Corps consists of health professional students trained by Richmond Aging and Engaging in basic rollator maintenance and repairs.  The Rollator Repair Corps conducts rollator repair pop-up clinics throughout the community: in senior apartment buildings, health fairs, and wherever folks with rollators may congregate!

Rollator Repair Corps volunteers will complete a systematic check of the rollator and complete any necessary repairs…for FREE.

Safety Checks and Education
Adjust Brakes
Replace Brake Cables
Adjust Handle Height
Tighten Screws/Bolts
Replace Wheels*
Replace Seats*

(*note that most replacement parts we use are salvaged from used rollators)